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Wow! How exciting. We got to meet Annette and she has the best cakes….really simple to make, no mess, no fuss and they taste AMAZING! Her product is all natural, and made with all North Carolina ingredients. Annette heard about us because we were highly referred to her by Cathy Woods, of Miss Taffy’s Cheesecakes. Miss Taffy knows the power of exceptional photography ~ and she passed on this information to Annette. Annette came with 3 cakes, and an open mind. She wanted clean, clear, crisp pictures of her cakes. Nothing else in the pictures to take away from her cakes. Annette has worked so hard to get her business growing. She works for a local restaurant in Chapel Hill in their Accounting department, and has been in the restaurant industry really all of her life. But, this is all hers. This is her baby. She wanted something simple for all types of “cooks” (even if you are not one!), yet something that would you could be proud of, no matter whether you are baking the cake for your self, your family, or your friends. She is currently working on her website and with IWP Photography’s photos ~ people will surely see that this is a great thing! www.iwpphotography.com