We photographed Hitesh and Amy’s double wedding- Christian Ceremony and Sindhi (Hindu) Ceremony- in January this year. We are thrilled that Desh-Videsh magazine has featured this beautiful wedding and our photography in their March Wedding Resources issue! Below is the feature spread:

Hitesh and Amy's wedding story and our photography! Magazine- Desh-Videsh. Indian Wedding Photographer-
You can read the complete story at: http://www.deshvidesh.com/Current_Issue/Desh-Videsh_March_2011/double-knot.html
Earlier, we had also posted Hitesh and Amy’s Wedding Video on YouTube:
We look forward to participating in MyShadi Bridal Expo at the Crown Plaza in Atlanta on April 17. The admission is FREE! So, come see us! We will be photographing several Indian Weddings later this year and look forward to sharing photos, videos and the wedding stories of those!
If you are looking for Indian Wedding Photographer for your wedding or event, we look forward to hearing from you!
– Tesh & Mica Parekh
IWP Photography
email: info@iwpphotography.com