Professional Headshot

Come on guys ~ when are you going to get your updated headshot

How do you show that you are a professional?  Is it by your handshake?  Is it by the hand written thank you note that you send after your meeting with that potential new client?   How do you make that impression, the one that down the road is going to get you the big deal?  How about your photograph?  Have you ever thought about that being a powerful tool in your belt of sales and marketing?….This is my friend Bill Davis, here in the photo, and he is the owner of Team Nimbus.    Bill knows how important Professional Head Shots are for Business Owners, Sales People and really any other type of

Cyndy Ratcliffe, Professional Organizer

Professional Headshot for Marketing

professional, and what he is saying to you in this photo is, “come on guys…let’s update that headshot of yours and make it professional”.  Cyndy Ratcliffe, owner of Organizing Solutions, is a Professional Organizer.  Cyndy says that she enjoyed her experience with IWP so much.  She felt at ease with Tesh and was able to relax and really have us capture the look that she was going for…you guessed it, PROFESSIONAL AND ORGANIZED!  Photographs are worth a 1, 000 words…did your Mom ever tell you that?  Well, she was right, believe it or not.  People have been using photographs to make hiring decisions for years…and can you imagine what  decisions they make in under 10 seconds if yours is not current AND professional?  IWP Photography has taken the Professional Head Shots of many high level, educated, up-and-coming people in the Triangle and beyond, and they all say the same thing…..I am SO glad that I am doing this now, it has been (some say) 5+ years (some longer!).  Tesh works hard to capture the essence of what you want to say about yourself.  He finds out if you are open to people coming up to you and asking your advice?  Are you extremely knowledgeable in your field and you are just about ready to bust with information that you know is going to change someone’s life?  Do you have what it takes to take the company to the top and you want everyone to know it just by a glance, whether in front of you or not?  If so, these are the people who IWP Photography wants to photograph.  The people who have a statement to make in this world and they want it to start with their professional headshot.  Give us a call to find out more or go to our website to see other samples.    IWP Photography is CHANGING THE WORLD ONE PROFESSIONAL HEADSHOT AT A TIME!