by micaparekh | Apr 16, 2010 | Bar/ Bat Mitzvah, Weddings & Events
As professional photographers, we feel honored to be part of many special events. Bar Mitzvah is one of those events. When Rachelle hired us to photograph Benjamin’s Bar Mitzvah, we were thrilled! Bar Mitzvah offers us opportunity to capture portraits,...
by micaparekh | Apr 13, 2010 | Onsite Printing, Professional Events, Weddings & Events
So what do you do after working around the clock for two days, being on the road and being up all night with the pollen allergies? Try and have some fun! IWP Photography had been carrying heavy machinery for two days photographing complex and long Indian weddings. So,...
by micaparekh | Apr 6, 2010 | Weddings & Events
Tesh and IWP Photography photographed Arti and Niraj’s beautiful Indian wedding on Saturday. Tesh was working with Prashant Shah of Prashant Video Productions. The wedding took place at Wake County Shrine Club in Raleigh. Indian weddings are always fun to...
by micaparekh | Apr 5, 2010 | Uncategorized
On Friday, Tesh and IWP Photographed a pre wedding Indian ceremony in Fayetteville, NC. If you are familiar with Indian culture, you know that Indian weddings are complex! We love photographing Indian weddings because everything is SO colorful: dresses, decorations,...
by micaparekh | Mar 1, 2010 | Professional Events
IWP Photography was at the boogiewoogie dance competition last night at St. Augustine’s. The dance was part of Indian Dance competition- The dresses were so colorful, and you could feel the passion from these dances and it was sometimes...