by micaparekh | Jul 21, 2010 | Weddings & Events
This is the final post on Sonal’s beautiful wedding! Prashant Shah (Prashant Video Productions) and I enjoyed capturing all the events. The reception was held at the Imperial Sheraton Hotel in Durham. The decorations were absolutely beautiful! The party was...
by micaparekh | Jul 20, 2010 | Weddings & Events
This was a dual ceremony: a combination of Gujarati and South Indian rituals, with two priests. The ceremony was held at the Hotel Imperial Sheraton in Durham. One of the ballrooms was transformed into a beautiful venue for the ceremony. There were two decorated...
by micaparekh | Jul 19, 2010 | Indian, Weddings & Events
Soanl’s wedding was elaborate! Garba- a traditional Gujarati dance, was held at the Hindu Bhavan in Morrisville, night before the wedding. I was born in Gujarat, but, dancing of any kind is certainly not my forte! Photographing the garba, on the other hand, is...
by micaparekh | Jul 19, 2010 | Indian, Weddings & Events
The Pithi ceremony is performed at homes of both the bride and the groom. The Pithi, a paste made from turmeric and other ingredients, is applied on the face, arms and legs. The Pithi ceremony is performed before the wedding day to beautify bride and groom and get...
by micaparekh | Jul 16, 2010 | Weddings & Events
This is the second event of Sonal’s beautiful wedding which I photographed with Prashant Shah of Prashant Video Productions. The Sangeet was in the evening at Shah family residence. The food was served before the music and dance started. While everything was...